I have decided to do 6 of the ‘Write your feelings’ workshops in 2021.

As I do not enjoy the entrepreneurial work of talking about it or charging for it. So I shall just leave my intention here. I love journaling my life. I still do it persistently when I don’t. But that’s not where I started. I was bad at it 10 years ago (we are talking cold sweats and crying bad). After 8 years of studying and trying, now I am able to do it with considerable ease. It has been rewarding. On some days, it helps me understand how I feel. On others, it helps me put bad feelings on paper and move on. I also write angry emails to people and delete them. It helps me understand my anger, fears, and evasive thoughts. Over the years it has helped me evaluate where I came from, how I grew and store a bit of my fleeting self.

I want to do this workshop so more people are able to do this- express their feelings, write about what’s going on, no matter how mundane or exciting, leave a bit of themselves to be looked at later and understood. I think the world will be a better place if we all could. I also want to hold space and time to sit with the intent of writing about our feelings. Because it’s one of those things that are tempting to avoid but are important. And lastly, because I enjoy doing it.

As I do not have an entrepreneurial bone in me, I feel iffy talking money. But here is why I must:

  1. To create accountability; so I know you will respect the space I create; take my time and effort seriously. That you will show up and give it its fair share of attention.
  2. To make this a sustainable practice for me. All of this- creating content, teaching, opening up- takes time, energy, and effort.
  3. A part of what you pay affords workshops for people who cannot.

This brings me to the paying scale. You can: pay (nothing to 500 rupees), gift a workshop, donate depending on what you can afford, no questions asked.

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