I would have loved to start this post with…
actually, I had already started framing this in my head while writing yesterday’s journal: I was going to post a photo of the top I would sew right on the first day of touching my sewing machine. Below I would humbly talk about all the faults I see in it, that I would have overlooked had I seen the same piece in a sale. It was all framed and ready in my head, but life is not so kind and I no prodigy. The first thing I did when I got home is eat and sleep. While watching Modern Family. I woke up too late to do anything productive and too early to go back to sleep. So I just stayed up and had a breakdown instead. When I was done and sleep nowhere close, I decided to stitch. Here are some realizations:

  1. There is nothing automatic about the automatic sewing machine. I had to do everything from threading the needle to putting it around the machine in the most complicated way possible.
  2. You even have to thread something they called a Bobbin (name of future pet) taking instructions from the ridiculously difficult-to-understand user manual.
  3. Bobbin goes inside the socket in a way that the thread is going downwards, then you have to hitch the thread in a tiny metal hook, take it out (while still hitched) and place the lid on the socket. AND THIS IS JUST ONE STEP.
  4. Indian sewing machine tutorials are so bad, that you might as well throw the machine out of the window right now. No matter what I did, or how many tutorials I watched I could not get the machine to sew. No knots formed. The thread would come out straight on the cloth as if laid there by Coco Chanel herself.
  5. I saw 16 minutes and 17 seconds of long video of a woman using the machine and explaining in detail how to thread it IN CHINESE! I was finally able to get the machine to work, thank you, Chinese lady! But at some point, I think I stitched the cloth to the machine and had to dismantle the complicatedly placed, too tiny for human fingers, parts to get it off. So do not go expecting any yellow tops with blue embroidery any time soon.
    As for the good part of the day: I found a restaurant that makes cuisines out of fries.
    Tonight’s dinner: Chicken pizza fries + cupcake shake.

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