Make buttered Croissants.
I can’t think of a memory. I just crave a crispy, soft and sweetish thing sometimes and that’s all I can think of!

My experience baking, eating and feeding Croissants

  1. Croissants take 2-3 days to make, no kidding! I am in awe of people invented and continue to make croissants. It asks you to repeatedly keep folding and chilling the flour; the flour that sticks, tears, becomes soft and hard.
  2. I was expecting to hate the Croissants after having had to put this much energy and time into it. But I couldn’t. They were so soft and buttery that each layer I made and froze made sense and then melted in my mouth. Having said that, I am never making them again.

I don’t mean to speak for humankind but it isn’t easy to make friends. Moreso if you are and have been suffering through mental health ailments. Then trying to make new friends feels like quicksand.

When I was working on a project in Goa, a bunch of people went out for a late dinner, I amongst them. I was around a group of women, just the kind you want to talk to; laughing with abandon, tattoos that seek being understood and words that imply political literacy. I am a fairly extroverted and social person, but I felt stuck in the quicksand. I keep waiting for a chance to enter their conversation. No chance ever feels comfortable enough.

I remember a point in the conversation, if you can call it that, where they started saying ‘Croissant’ over and over. Crooosooo, Crosauuuu, Crosouuu; rolling their tongues, passing around the word like a prop, making what may of it. I wanted to break the clique, say Crossoo and laugh with them. But it felt stupid in my mouth; intrusive.

I wish I had still done it; given them more credit as human, expected acceptance.

So, here’s the one that was stuck in my throat: Craassou!

Aish, I would never have attempted Croissants if not for your craving. I wouldn’t have known I was capable of this much patience, such good baking and I would never be reminded of this moment in life.


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