Every time someone said “you wrote what I felt but didn’t have the words for” I wished to give them my words. Because writing didn’t come easily to me either. I worked hard, cried often, and took some painful criticism. And now I feel equipped to give you my words.

I do certain things in my workshops to make them less abilist/more accessible.
1 of them is setting up alternate communication gestures at the beginning of the workshop. It is so people who do not want to/are able to talk can also participate. I also set up message codes for people who do not wish to participate in the video. The idea that every human “should” be able to, if not be great at “public speaking”, talking to/in front of a group” is abilist.
Other things I do:
- Send ‘What to expect in the workshop’ information a night before the workshop. As a participant and someone suffering from anxiety/PTSD, I appreciate not having to walk into uncertain territory without bracing myself.
- Have text and icons/images on the screen.