Today something that mummy said hurt me; it wasn’t anything soul-crushing and it wasn’t something trivial. It was just big enough that a neurotypical daughter would get offended by a neurotypical mother saying. But we aren’t that, we usually discount the trivial to medium level hurtful things.

But like idiots, get used to a period of peace to forget our neurodivergences. I can hear papa explain a movie plot to mumma in their room while I peel garlic. “This man is blackmailing his wife’s lover who in turn is blackmailing his wife” something that can and will come to bite him when she is sick. I can tell which sentences will stick and become a part of the paranoid dialogue.

But I let him forget, and I let myself be offended at trivial insults, but not without surprise at how easily our mind, even a PTS one (albeit it is on medication) is distracted from the past hurt for moments together, how easily it spreads its feet around and basks in the sun.

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