• R and I sharpened pencils in the kitchen. While it sounds juvenile, I swear we smiled. The act of using a sharper and sharpening a pencil over a dustbin and poking the tip to be assured of the achieved sharpness is so familiar and alien at the same time.
  • I tweaked the story of Goldilocks to suit our context more. Now Goldilocks’ mother teaches in a college and her father runs a factory. She only walks into the bears’ house to seek help in contacting her parents. The bears leave behind hot, cold and accurate temperatured cheese parathas instead of porridges.
  • We now own a treadmill I help put together with my cousin
  • All my cousins and I are going on a trip, who knows where, who knows when. I am just excited to be able to spend time with them and get to know the real adult versions of people who only exchanged rakhis, money, and Whatsapp forwards. It’ll probably be Goa, we’ll probably scar each other by how much we can drink.
  • I think I know what overpriced thing I am buying myself for my birthday. Bras!
  • I haven’t drunk a full mug of coffee for over a month now. Sober. Clean like my mother’s window panes.
  • My house is full to the brim with buas, kakas, and cousins, who are as loud as Bollywood wants you to believe big families are. They are completely in my business, have a commenting on everything, forcefeeding to show love, loving me, giving me alcohol, money for more books. I love all of it and I can hardly stand it.
  • My therapist is on vacation.

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