I missed my medicines. 2 doses, maybe. Or 3. And that is causing my head to hurt. In a very different, firecrackers bursting inside my skull kind of way. Self-esteem has become poo and sadness might be coming over. I have the urge to say hurtful things to people I love. But I am fighting it with both arms. And thinking of all the good that is life.

A family to love. A pup to get licked by. The fact that we grow into and out of things. Good books to read. 24-hour medical shops. The gift of forgetting. People who notice missing journal entries. Colorful socks. Nice smelling face packs. Kind strangers. And nice words. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be good and then I will share the events from yesterday, which was a better day. I will write about ‘lessons in learning’ and about running for the first time.

Here is a suitable quote till then –
…there ain’t no journey what don’t change you some (Cloud Atlas)

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