• I was eating at one of my favorite burger joints with one of my favorite people watching an uncle struggle with picking a balloon for the lady he was with. He debated between orange and pink. He finally ended up buying the pink one.
  • A meeting I did not want to go for did not get canceled. But when I spoke to my boss honestly, he said we will figure a way around it and we did. My belief that talking about things can solve problems got reinstated. “No tras” is my favorite phrase of the week.
  • A stranger sent me his favorite and coincidentally my favorite poems on Instagram because he doesn’t sing well. He owes me doughnuts in a park now. I realized if we let them, people can help mend hearts.
  • I fit into my sister’s clothes now. I wore her pretty summer dress to a park. I collected flowers fallen from trees and smelled them till they wilted. They remind me of Mummy.
  • I won at a war-strategy board game. But more importantly, I played one in spite of my aversion to competitive sports for showing you the bad side of people. I have decided to give people more credit than that.
  • My sleep got disturbed at 3:30 am on a weekday because of loud noises of people laughing and talking in the hall. It made me smile and when I fell back asleep, my dream had turned into a happy one.
  • I was waiting for dessert delivery from someone. When I realized it won’t come, I went out to buy myself dessert. I ate blueberry cheesecake and thought how much better it felt to take charge than to wait. It helped me have a non-angry conversation with the non-sender.
  • I went out to drink with a friend I was meeting after 7 months. We met where we used to: for a music performance in Raasta cafe on Wednesdays. I went and spoke to the (really hot) singer I had made awkward eye contact with multiple times. I cried at the end of this night, I was still raw from therapy, and my friend tucked me in bed. I felt very embarrassed but eventually decided to feel cared for instead.
  • I met Dodo. I felt like a proud mommy bear to this older brother bear when I saw how grown up and mature he had become.
  • I quit a book mid-way. A highly recommended book. I did not like it and that is okay. No tras.

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