Dear Neurodivergents // 10

Starting to communicate that I am having a bad brain day, to my colleagues, partners, friends was a game changer.
It made me
1. Acknowledge that I was having a bad brain day. That I wasn’t just being lazy, moody or hungry.
2. Give myself permission to have bad brain days. Know that it doesn’t make me weak, unreliable or a liability to have bad brain days.
3. Be transparent. Manage energy and expectations.
4. See that there are good brain days too.

It’s one of the hardest things you’ll do. So if you can’t find the words, use this post.

Dear Neurodivergents // 7

Reevaluate your career, education, marriage, partnership, economic, have-children-by, hair, skin, weight, dietary goals.

Dear Neurodivergents // 6

You don’t have to prove that you are better than / as good as / stronger than someone or that you are sick / suffering

Dear Neurodivergents // 5

You are not lazy, attention-seeking, over-sensitive, *insert gas lighting tool here*. You are sad, depressed, anxious, think about self harm. Acknowledge it. Listen to your body.

Dear Neurodivergents // 4

Most of us have been conditioned to suppress our “manageable” symptoms. Please take all of your ailments seriously.

Dear Neurodivergents // 3

Don’t do the polite laugh. No, you are not over reacting. Your trauma is not comic material for others. Don’t participate in the belittling of your reality and your suffering.

Dear Neurodivergents // 2

Don’t try to fit your feelings into shiny (neurotypical) words. Our languages are inept. And our feels are complicated. Just try to feel what you feel; sometimes even to celebrate it.

Dear Neurodivergents // 1

You are not
Drama queen
Messed up
Over Sensitive
Nut Case
Attention Seeker


Some of my relatives only value a person as much as their Degrees, the company they work for, their pay per annum, their spouse’s economic status, which …